Tuesday 3 August 2021

What is normal weather?

The weather is changing. We now have increased flooding in Europe and China, increased wildfires in Australia, Canada and the USA, and increased droughts in the western USA and the Sahel region of Africa. Things are not normal.

We have just finished living through an unusual period of the earth’s climate. This period is known as the Holocene. In the last 10,000 years the earth has experienced a period of fragile, balanced temperatures with only minimal changes. During this remarkable period human civilization has experienced a rapid rate of development.

In a mere blink of a geological eye we have moved from hunter gathers to agriculturalists, to religion-based states (c.2000 BC onwards) to science-based states (c.1500 AD) to the industrial revolution (1750 AD) and finally to the new digital age in which we are now living.

Presently we are entering into a phase of the earth’s development known as the Anthropocene. This is the period when human activity is dominating the earth's climate. In this process, the earth is in danger of moving into extreme temperature variations. At this time the rate of climate change can become very rapid.

Although planet earth has gone through significant alterations, normally the rate of change has been slow and geological. In the past, there have been periods of warmth during which flora and fauna have flourished. Ancient plants and animals have given us the fossil material that we are now feverously exploiting.

The planet has also had extreme cold temperatures. The last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago and ushered in the present Holocene age of moderate temperatures. The polar ice caps are remnants of this period. They have provided the “air conditioners” of the Holocene era. These "air conditioners of the world" are now disappearing.

Large variations in the world’s temperature have been the “normal” state of things. Previously, most of these changes have occurred slowly in geological time. The recent 10,000 years has been a remarkably stable period. However, this is now coming to an end. This change is occurring relatively quickly. It is being hastened by human activity. This is the Anthropocene area in which we are all now living.

To see a portrayal of all of this, look at the following link.

Sir David Attenborough Presents: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

As always, the question is, “What should we do about all of this?”

If we continue our present path, we will not be the first advanced species to have brought about our own extinction. As evidence, we have the disappearing Easter Island and Mayan civilizations!

Rebellious Seeker

August 4, 2021

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