Sunday 8 August 2021

Imagine that we are on the Titanic…

Imagine that we are on the Titanic….

Life is good. The champagne flows freely. We are having a wonderful trip. We are enjoying ourselves in good company. We are happy. We are in a positive mood. And then…

The ship’s captain appears and says, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just received information that to the best of our knowledge we are heading into an iceberg. Our best scientific data tells us that with a high level of probability, if we do not change course immediately, we are heading into a disaster!”

Now what would be the most reasonable response to such a notice? We could say:

  • Yes, that could be a problem. However, as we are having such a grand time, let us deal with that later. Let us finish our party and then we will look into this problem.

  • Or we could be blunter and say, “Go away! Try and have a more positive approach to life and stop all the negativity.”

  • Or even more foolishly, “The problem is so great and imminent. There is nothing we can really do about it, so let’s enjoy ourselves while we can.”

  • Or we could deny the data. “Maybe you have the facts wrong; you can never know these things for sure.”

  • Or finally, we could say, “All hands on deck! We have an emergency on our hands. Everyone pitch in NOW!”

What should be our response to the present environmental crisis?

First, our response has to be rapid. The scientists say that that we probably have one last decade (2020-2030) to turn this ship (planet earth) around.

Second, because we are so close to irreversible tipping points, all our technical solutions alone (i.e., solar-based energies and the electrification of everything) will not suffice. We need a massive reduction in the consumption of the earth’s resources (see Less is More by Jason Hickel, and Bright Green Lies by Derrick Jenson).

So, practically speaking, what must we do? 

Here is a preliminary list for a Declaration for Planetary Change:

  1. Reduce our consumption. No more purchases of unnecessary luxury items -- and a decluttering of useless possessions.

  2. Our energy system must become 100% renewable ASAP. No more subsidies for fossil fuels. Instead, support must be given to solar-based renewable energies.

  3. A rapid decline in fossil fuel modes of transportation, and a rapid increase in electrified transportation, fuelled by renewable energy.

  4. The world’s food habits need to go vegetarian.

  5. Cessation of all old growth logging. Massive tree planting is needed.

  6. No more single-use plastic containers and wraps. Instead, use glass, paper, and other reusable materials.

  7. Add your own item to the list…

Of course, all of this needs to be led by government authorities, but governments need to be pushed by the people. And the people pushing, first need to make the changes that they are advocating.

Rebellious Seeker

August 9, 2021

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