Wednesday 30 November 2016

Religion and US politics: The collapse of evangelical Christianity in the post-truth age

During the US presidential campaign Donald Trump

-        Verbally abused many (Mexican immigrants, Muslims, the disabled)
-        Denied the reality of human activity causing climate change
-        Habitually lied
-        Made promises that he won’t/can’t keep
-        Boasted of sexual assault

Despite all of this 70% of evangelical Christians in the US voted for him.
How could this be?

It seems like these evangelical Christian completely abandoned their supposedly moral principles and voted for him for very worldly reasons.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Obesity: A harbinger of societal collapse?

A small fishing boat in the night sees the Titanic heading towards an iceberg. The fisherman has a radio connection and thinks that he should warn the ship’s captain. But the ship’s passengers are having such a good time on board so that he doesn’t really want to disturb them. What should he do?

At present the US statistics on weight gain show that 70% of all Americans are overweight (BMI> 25) and of these 35% are obese (BMI>30). If present trends continue, in 2030, 60% of all Americans will be obese. Canada as usual is not far behind in these trends. What should we do?