Thursday 24 December 2020

The plastification of everything [A letter to a Minster of the Environment]

Thank you for your recent Ottawa Citizen article, “COVID fight shows the way on climate change”. You made some excellent points. You reminded us that our response to COVID-19 shows that we can change drastically, rapidly, and globally when faced with a challenge.

However, another important aspect should be mentioned – the increasing role of single-use plastics, as promoted by the fossil fuel industry. Renewable energies and electrified mechanisms have arrived just in time to promote a reduction in fossil fuel consumption. In response, the fossil fuel industry is now planning to convert more fossil materials to single-use plastics.

Friday 11 December 2020

Flaws in the US Constitution?

I know it is sacrilegious to criticize any constitution. Here in Canada, we do not really have a constitution, just a patchwork of basic laws like in mother England. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is one of our most basic documents.

However, the US does have a Constitution. It was drawn up centuries ago by the founding fathers. Politicians regularly swear allegiance to it. They quote it as if it is incapable of change or criticism. A key statement therein is “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

I have been thinking of these rights lately and here are my reflections.

Thursday 10 December 2020

Optimist, Pessimist? (letter to a friend)

Hi John,

It was great talking with you recently. Afterwards I had some reflections – here they are. You said you were a short-term pessimist and a long-term optimist. I understand why you said this. However, my views ae different. I am a short-term optimist and a long-term pessimist.