Friday 26 March 2021

World Water Day, March 22, 2021

Here is a talk given by the Rebellious Seeker on World Water Day, March 22, 2021

In the Q+A session after the talk some other points were made:

There are some occasions where plastic water bottles could be justified. For example if there has been an accident or a breakdown in the water supply system, or if there is no reliable water distribution system, plastic water bottles may be temporarily required.

Hard plastics have some useful qualities – they don’t rust or corrode, and they last a long time. There are some good applications for hard plastics. We are not talking about long lasting hard plastic here, we are talking about single-use throw away plastics.

The whole World Water Day celebration that is referred to can be seen on the blog:


Wednesday 24 March 2021

World Water Day presentation

 The Rebellious Seeker spoke at the recent World Water Day. Two themes covered were the following.

1. A global water crisis is emerging. This is now occurring in some of the major cities of the world, starting with Cape Town in South Africa. It is better to act now on this in order to avert a major crisis later. 

Take a look at this well documented video.

2. Bottled water is a very poor choice for drinking water in most areas that have well regulated municipal tap water. 

To see how the bottled water industry arose and how to combat it see this video clip