Friday 13 August 2021

Letter to a friend: Fusion energy -- I would love to be proven wrong, but I fear I may be correct

A good friend sent me a YouTube clip about a global quest to produce non-polluting energy.  

I responded as follows...


Hi John,


Interesting indeed. A fine example of the hope that "technology will save us". Nuclear fusion is definitely the supreme hope of these attempts. In theory, it is very appealing, but in practice it is most likely not achievable.


As a technologist myself, it is not easy to say that technology will NOT save us here. Why?

Sunday 8 August 2021

Imagine that we are on the Titanic…

Imagine that we are on the Titanic….

Life is good. The champagne flows freely. We are having a wonderful trip. We are enjoying ourselves in good company. We are happy. We are in a positive mood. And then…

The ship’s captain appears and says, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just received information that to the best of our knowledge we are heading into an iceberg. Our best scientific data tells us that with a high level of probability, if we do not change course immediately, we are heading into a disaster!”

Tuesday 3 August 2021

What is normal weather?

The weather is changing. We now have increased flooding in Europe and China, increased wildfires in Australia, Canada and the USA, and increased droughts in the western USA and the Sahel region of Africa. Things are not normal.