Sunday 18 July 2021

A ray of light in a dark place

Every once in a while one comes across something that gives hope in a troubled world. Here is one that I have found. You may be interested in some of the powerful short videos in .

Thursday 1 July 2021

Modern Gnosticism

There is in the Western religious world, a school of thought called the Course in Miracles (CiM). This teaching stresses inner peace and comfort, to the disdain of outer events and circumstances. This religious philosophy has various variations, such as for example, Christian Science.

Versions of this inner mysticism have arisen in other cultures and religions. The main characteristics are the seeking of inner peace to the exclusion of external circumstances, which are de-emphasized. It is the spiritualizing of everything. It is not so much anti-science but the going beyond science by neglecting the reality of the material world in seeking to fathom the deeper meaning of existence. However, this trend of thought can lead to religious fantasy. It can lead into an uncertain future. Neglecting clear warnings about the degradation of the physical world is the ultimate flaw of extreme inner mysticism.

See below some of my thoughts on this recurring religious tendency.