Thursday 27 May 2021

Response to "Why free countries must support Israel" (Ottawa Citizen, May 27, 2021)

The recent article entitled “Why free countries must support Israel” (Ottawa Citizen, May 27, 2021) misses the main point. The root of the problem with Israel and Palestine is that Israel is occupying Palestinian land and is mistreating Palestinians.

Saturday 22 May 2021

On the power of swearing

First, watch the video of a mother bear trying to guide her four cubs as they cross a busy road. One thing that adds to the merriment is the commentary of the woman describing the scene. As you watch the video, perhaps you will not only be amused, but also shocked by the women’s language, especially since it was spiced up by the words “Jesus Christ”.

<Mother bear guiding cubs across the wrote with Scottish commentary>

This reminded me of the power of swearing. The most powerful and commonly used swear words are those that challenge the most cherished beliefs of a community. Therefore, in highly religious societies, religious swear words are the most frequently used. In the video “Jesus Christ” is a powerful swear word, apparently used frequently in Catholic Ireland. In Quebec, under the dominance of the Roman Catholic church, the preferred swear words were “sacristan” and “hostie”. These words targeted the sacred Mass ritual of the church.

Why is this so? Because the whole point of a swear word is to express one’s frustration, to shock and to get attention. Therefore, the more holy and revered is the source of the swear word, then the more likely it is to achieve the swearer’s purpose.


The situation in Gaza is now beyond horrible.

I have been to Gaza 3 times. Here are my brief reflections:

I was there on the day that the Oslo Peace Accord was signed (1993) and restrictions were lifted. There was dancing in the streets, and everyone roamed about freely.

Later I was there for a water conference with Gazan personnel. Tensions were building. Hamas was organizing.

Sunday 2 May 2021

April 21 Virtual Talk: "Coping with Change: An Environmental Challenge" with Dr. Eric Schiller

It is now almost universally accepted that unless we make drastic changes, we will be heading into an environmental disaster. What should be our personal response to this?

To see the talk , click the link below and use the corresponding passcode. 

<Click here for meeting recording>

Access Passcode: b^2U*J5^


In this talk, I put forward the experience of Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor, as an example of one who can help us face an uncertain future. He came out of a terrifying past and we are facing an uncertain future. (Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl, 1948)