Monday 18 January 2010

Development: Malaria

My experience with malaria goes back a long way. In 1966 when I first arrived in Tanzania to work there I used to take quinine-based malaria medicine once a week, on Sundays. On Mondays as I headed off to work I typically had a headache. I reasoned to myself that it seemed like I really did not like my work very much, since going to work on Mondays gave me a headache. I have since learned quite a bit about quinine based anti-malarial medicine. More of that later. First let me share a few words about the nature of malaria itself.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Development: Diarrhea

I know a little bit about diarrhea – experientially that is. I have had it quite often while working overseas. As I look at my bouts of diarrhea I realize that many of them are a result of identifying with and eating with the people with whom I have been working. I have often been working to improve the water and sanitation systems overseas, but in the meantime I had to live in less than ideal situations.