Sunday 29 October 2017

You are known by your face

Recently in the province of Quebec  a law has been passed banning face coverings in certain situations. This has raised quite a flurry of commentaries. Here below is my contribution, plus some comments on my comments.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

The Massacre in Las Vegas

When I first heard the news of the massacre at Las Vegas, I screamed out – “You idiots, ban automatic rifles!” This was also the visceral reaction on the international news outlets – but not in the USA. It was instead, “thoughts and prayers for the victims” and “this is not the time to raise political issues”. A great silence descended on the issue of gun control, at precisely the time when this issue should have been raised to the fore.

Monday 9 October 2017

How Canada's 1 per cent is pulling ahead [The Globe and Mail (BC edition, 9 Oct 2017)]

"New census data provided to The Globe show the biggest pay raises have gone to the country's highest earners, along with significant regional and gender differences. A look at how the numbers break down."

-- Rachelle Younglai Murat Yukselir