Thursday 24 December 2020

The plastification of everything [A letter to a Minster of the Environment]

Thank you for your recent Ottawa Citizen article, “COVID fight shows the way on climate change”. You made some excellent points. You reminded us that our response to COVID-19 shows that we can change drastically, rapidly, and globally when faced with a challenge.

However, another important aspect should be mentioned – the increasing role of single-use plastics, as promoted by the fossil fuel industry. Renewable energies and electrified mechanisms have arrived just in time to promote a reduction in fossil fuel consumption. In response, the fossil fuel industry is now planning to convert more fossil materials to single-use plastics.

Friday 11 December 2020

Flaws in the US Constitution?

I know it is sacrilegious to criticize any constitution. Here in Canada, we do not really have a constitution, just a patchwork of basic laws like in mother England. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is one of our most basic documents.

However, the US does have a Constitution. It was drawn up centuries ago by the founding fathers. Politicians regularly swear allegiance to it. They quote it as if it is incapable of change or criticism. A key statement therein is “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

I have been thinking of these rights lately and here are my reflections.

Thursday 10 December 2020

Optimist, Pessimist? (letter to a friend)

Hi John,

It was great talking with you recently. Afterwards I had some reflections – here they are. You said you were a short-term pessimist and a long-term optimist. I understand why you said this. However, my views ae different. I am a short-term optimist and a long-term pessimist.

Wednesday 30 September 2020

The coming Great Remorse

The antics of Extinction Rebellion (XR) worldwide seem to be getting more frantic and desperate. Recently, 15 bare-chested women linked themselves outside of the British Parliament. One may well ask, why does XR do such things?

To find the answer, let us go back to science. 

Sunday 20 September 2020

Apocalyptic Times

I have read the New Testament many times, but somehow one obvious fact has eluded me. Jesus and the early Christians strongly believed that the end of the world was near. They were eagerly waiting and working for a new world to come – the kingdom of God on earth.

How did I miss this? I simply tried to spiritualize the records assuming that the references were describing the need for my own spiritual renewal.

Facts and Emotions

The world is heading into a climate crisis. The overwhelming majority of the world’s scientists have warned us that as fossil fuels heat up the environment, global temperatures will rise – and then extreme weather events ( wildfires, hurricanes, droughts and floods ) will soar. It is already happening.

Monday 18 May 2020

Reflections on the pandemic

We live in a world of terrifying possibilities. All kinds of stories are swirling about. If ever we needed clear logical thinking, based on facts it is now.

I am especially intrigued by the tendency of identity thinking. That is, if our group (whatever it may be; racial or gender-based, or any other of our primary organizations ) says something - we then tend to think it is true. If the other group puts forward something , we tend to be very suspicious. So if someone says something negative about my group, I immediately get defensive.

In this context it is very difficult to accept criticisms about our group. As I am thinking about this, I am very moved about the role of prophets who critique their own communities. That is probably one reason the words of the Old Testament prophets still reverberate with us today. Ancient Israel had a very nationalistic, chauvinistic view of themselves . One could even say that they still do. Along came their own prophets a spoke about their own flaws.

Today, we still need honest, faithful, fearless prophets.

Thursday 19 March 2020

COVID-19: A prelude of what is coming

The global crisis is upon us. We need to act early enough to avoid extreme peaks that are coming. OK, this is stated in response to the coronavirus outbreak. But there is an even bigger crisis coming – a global environmental breakdown. The same warning applies. We need to act early (now!) to avoid (or at east mitigate) the coming disaster.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a strange phenomenon. It tells us a lot about human nature. We have ideas in our head. We are sure they are correct. But we carry on as usual as if these facts did not exist. So, there is a disconnect or “dissonance” between what we think or believe and what we do in our daily lives. Why does this occur?

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Rebellious Seeker's encounter with Rebel News

Here below is a documentary put out by an extreme right-wing organization called "Rebel News". It is called Facts and Feelings, in which we get the right-wing Feelings about climate change and I try to introduce some Facts.

The Rebellious Seeker makes his entrance on a bike at about the 27:32 min. mark. You can skip ahead to watch the interaction or watch the entire video from the beginning.

Rebellious Seeker

8 January 2020

Thursday 2 January 2020

How to face the coming environmental crisis

Welcome to 2020 and happy new year. If you are young, it may not be a happy new year. Science says with a high degree of probability, that in 10 years (2030) the planet may be unliveable.