Wednesday 30 September 2020

The coming Great Remorse

The antics of Extinction Rebellion (XR) worldwide seem to be getting more frantic and desperate. Recently, 15 bare-chested women linked themselves outside of the British Parliament. One may well ask, why does XR do such things?

To find the answer, let us go back to science. 

Sunday 20 September 2020

Apocalyptic Times

I have read the New Testament many times, but somehow one obvious fact has eluded me. Jesus and the early Christians strongly believed that the end of the world was near. They were eagerly waiting and working for a new world to come – the kingdom of God on earth.

How did I miss this? I simply tried to spiritualize the records assuming that the references were describing the need for my own spiritual renewal.

Facts and Emotions

The world is heading into a climate crisis. The overwhelming majority of the world’s scientists have warned us that as fossil fuels heat up the environment, global temperatures will rise – and then extreme weather events ( wildfires, hurricanes, droughts and floods ) will soar. It is already happening.