A little about the Rebellious Seeker

The Seeker has spent all of his life balancing science and spiritual views. He has advanced degrees in engineering and theology. He has spent many years in development work in poorer countries in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. He has an ongoing interest in the promotion of renewable energy technologies. In his later years he continues his activities in human rights and social justice.


  1. I see the laughing Budha in Eric. Such selfless passion and level of engagement. It may take me several more lifetimes to reach his level. I wonder what Earth I'll re-emerge in? It may be one unrecognizable...

    1. Kari, Thank you for the kind comment. I blush to read it. Would that it were true, but thanks anyway.
      Blessings to you as you travel your path.

  2. I had the extreme pleasure of meeting you on a train in Canada. I was instantly drawn to your button reading "I drink tap water". You gave me your card and I'm now reading your blog. Your commitment to our planet is inspiring and admirable. I consider meeting you a highlight of my holiday through some of Canada.
