Sunday 27 June 2021

The genius of Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende is a creative, elusive genius who scans the decades of human history. She takes historical event which she knows intimately and then spins a human story upon it. She understands the fears and desires of both the rich and the poor.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Grandpa is worried about the future

Take a look at this. Then you will see why grandpa is so worried about the fate of his grandkids, and why we must act NOW!

Sir David Attenborough Presents: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet - Documentary Preview, Apr 23, 2021

Wednesday 16 June 2021

The Troubled Ones

Listen to the troubled ones.

During the Syrian civil war, some Canadian groups welcomed Syrian families to Canada. A friend of mine who had many troubles of her own said, “What about the millions of refugees stuck on the Syrian border, what can we do to help them?”. And then she proceeded to try to do just that.

Tuesday 15 June 2021

We may have already passed the tipping point

See below an important news item that may have slipped below the radar with all the other news occurring, i.e.  the G7 meetings, Israeli/Palestine tensions, etc.

Global warming may have already passed irreversible tipping point [Al Jazeera]

However the above item may be the most important of all. This report is from a very reputable group of scientists. If true, we are all like passengers on the Titanic. Being warned that we are heading towards an iceberg, it would be inappropriate to say, “Do not bother us now, we are having such an enjoyable trip”.

If we all make radical changes, our fate could be altered, but can we make the massive, global and rapid changes required?