Tuesday 20 June 2017

Basic Income Guarantee (BIG)

What would the world be like if all low income people were given a guaranteed cash income for survival (c.$17,000) with no strings attached? How about if this plan included an incentive to work to increase their minimum income? What would they do with this money? What would be the social consequences of this? This concept will soon have some trial runs in Ontario, Canada. It is called the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG).

Friday 9 June 2017

Into the mind of a billionaire

I have just finished reading “Brazillionaires; Wealth, Power, Decadence and Hope in an American Country” by Alex Cuadros. Brazil is a country known for its widespread corruption, its wealthy billionaires and its large poor population. It has one of the highest rates of financial inequality in the world. Brazillioniares reveals the lives and activities of some of Brazil’s billionaires (Eike Batista, Esteves, ---) and the role of some of its more recent politicians (Lula, Dilma, etc…). I read this book to try and understand the inner workings of the minds of the superrich. This is a topic that has intrigued me from an early age.