Saturday 22 July 2017

Spiritual Reflections While Meditating

As we sit in an un-programmed Quaker worship meeting, we are supposed to be meditating. What a variety of thoughts and insights must be passing thorough the minds of all who are present! This last Sunday, this is what occupied my mind and spirit.

I sit here. I stare through the window looking up at the sky. It is so clear. It is so blue. Based on the evidence of my senses alone, I could honestly say that there is nothing there – just a vast expanse of blueness.

But we know that there are myriad mysteries out there, hidden from my naked eyes.

Reflections on “Convictions

I have just finished reading the book, “Convictions: How I learned What Matters Most” by Marcus Borg. This is labelled as ‘A manifesto for progressive Christians’. There is much that is commendable here. As the book cover shows, Borg goes back into Christianity’s roots so that he can better garner the outgoing fruits that should emerge. This is a call for the prophetic role of Christianity in its struggle for social justice. It is also a reminder of Christianity’s initial stance of non-violent resistance and confrontation of the world’s many evils.

Friday 7 July 2017

When Tradition Meets the Environment

Here in Canada we are celebrating 150 years of nationhood. The native indigenous people are not too thrilled with the celebrations. For them it was 150 years of land expropriation, exploitation and cultural genocide in ‘residential schools’ that were set up for ‘Indian’ children who were taken from their parents to receive a Western education. The goal was to take the ‘Indian’ out of the child and to make them good Canadians. Unfortunately, various kinds of abuse often accompanied this education. These schools were most often administered by Christian churches, using methods that would have embarrassed Jesus himself.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Fake News

You really have to be on your toes with news these days – and that takes work! We now have a superabundance of news sources. International news is easily accessible. Social media is awash with ‘information’. But how much of it is true? What is biased, exaggerated, cleverly spun, or just plain fabricated?

The world wide web (www) was supposed to join us together – and I suppose that means, unify us. However, if anything the world seems to have become more divisive. Opposing groups are accusing each other of broadcasting ‘fake news’.