Tuesday 4 April 2017

Bombardier executives increase their multi-million dollar salaries while they lay of thousands of employees

The unbridled greed of the super rich continues to infuriate. Here in Canada, in 2016 five executives with Bombardier corporation managed to haul in $32.6 million, thus raising their salaries by 50%. During the same time period they fired thousands of employees and received well over one billion dollars in government subsidies.

It is an outrage! There was no real increase in productivity yet they increased their obscene salaries. They say that these salaries are necessary to attract “competent people”. It is a lie. They are themselves voted into power by fellow cronies on a board of directors. It is a system gone rotten at the top.

How can this monstrous system be corrected? The present system is not good for anyone – except the few greedy, power-driven beneficiaries.

What can we do?

- Expose this malfeasance. Raise our public protest loud and long.

- Encourage investors to pull all of their stocks out of Bombardier. These isolated executives will only listen when they are hit in the pocket book.

- Scream at our weak-kneed governments to rein in these greedy executives. Our government has after all, been subsidizing this mess.

- Civil action in the streets at Bombardier HQ is in order.

We know that growing inequality gives rise to many social ills. This situation left untended can lead to revolution.
p.s. This just in. Because of widespread protests, Bombardier has decided to defer half of the proposed salary increases of its executives until further notice. They still don't get it. Band-aid solutions will not do.

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